
Fulbright-British Library Eccles Institute Scholar Award in Library and Information Science

The Fulbright-British Library Eccles Institute Award covers three months of funding for a research project, including professional development, in librarianship and information science at the British Library. It is open to both professionals working in libraries and academics working in a relevant discipline.

The Eccles Institute for the Americas and Oceania supports research and learning about these regions through the collections of the British Library, and fosters transatlantic knowledge exchange and cultural relations.   

The scholar can either focus on exploring the British Library’s collections, or undertake fieldwork on the British Library and other relevant institutions, or combine both approaches. It is required that the project will address an aspect of information literacy, contemporary libraries, knowledge institutions or information systems in the Americas, but comparative or transnational analyses and perspectives will be eligible.  

The scholar will be given opportunities to contribute to the intellectual and cultural life of the Eccles Institute and the British Library through, for instance, events, workshops and publications.   

To find out more about the British Library’s collections, please visit www.bl.uk.

Grant amount

£3,000 per month

This funding is intended as a contribution towards US-UK travel, institutional fees, accommodation, and general maintenance costs while in the UK.

Relocation Allowance 

$1500 stipend 

Dependent Benefits 

Scholars accompanied by eligible dependents for the full duration of the programme may receive a one-time dependent allowance of $1800 for one dependent or $2500 for two or more dependents. This will be calculated on a pro-rata basis for any Scholars on a grant for less than 6 months. 

Learn more about applying for this award

Visit the Fulbright Scholar Program website

See other US Scholar Awards available