Goran Tomic
Cancer Research UK Scholar Award, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - Oncology and Cancer Biology
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Francis Crick Institute in London. Following a PhD in oncology at the University of Cambridge, I wanted to immerse myself further into cancer research, focussing on the areas where more investigation and novel therapies are much needed.
My grant will take place at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory that is an institution renowned for its scientific impact and hosts leading researchers in pancreatic cancer field. Becoming acquainted with new techniques and establishing strong collaboration with colleagues in the US will be of great importance moving forward.
Being passionate about science, I am excited to share the knowledge and ideas that will bring us closer to our common goal. I hope that my findings will make a contribution to the field, open new areas to explore and ultimately help deliver improvement in treatment for patients.
Fulbright-CRUK award will empower me to pursue ambitious goals while inspiring others, as well as enable me to be at the forefront of the efforts to tackle critical health challenges. Besides great science, I intend to explore local history and culture, and would like to visit New England in autumn.