
Yaritza Padilla

Fulbright Scotland Summer Institute on Technology, Innovation and Creativity: University of Strathclyde and the Glasgow School of Art

Yaritza Padilla is an Electrical Engineering major with a minor in Engineering Corporate Practice at the University of Notre Dame. She is honored to be an Anbryce Scholar, Galvin Scholar, Gates Scholar, Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholar, and now Fulbright Summer Institute Participant.

As a first generation college student, she is working toward exploring her academic and career interests ranging from software development and cyber security to embedded circuits and signals. Yaritza hopes to inspire other young minority and/or first generation college students to pursue degrees and careers in STEM.

Growing up in a generation that has never known life before technology, Yaritza has become fascinated by the world’s dependence and rapid progression in the advancement of technology and technological instruments. While at the University of Strathclyde, Yaritza will work toward making global connections and advancing her understanding of both research and creativity within the realm of technology.