Terry Walden
Fulbright Distinguished Teacher, University of Glasgow
What motivates me is my work. And my work revolves around the children that I interact with as an educator. My children inform me and it is from this place and space that I continually evolve and nurture my teaching paradigm.
Since 2008, I have centered my professional development and growth on in-place learning. My passport is a constant in my life. In the fine arts, there is a saying when everything is flowing in your direction; you are ‘riding the train’ so to speak. And I have been on a professional development train that shows no signs of letting me off. This Fulbright is the culmination of ten years of progressive engagement with how do we get this right for students globally? A colleague suggested the United Kingdom to me. I remember his words clearly, ‘I see you with these kids, you understand and there you will understand how it all fits together.’ This isn’t my first trip to the UK but it is to Scotland. I am most intrigued by Scotland’s commitment to equity.