
Shovik Saha

The Fulbright University of Exeter Summer Institute on Global Sustainability

Shovik was born and raised in West Palm Beach, Florida, and is a rising third-year student at Florida State University. Shovik is majoring in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences with concentrations in Public Administration and Geography. Driven by his desire to foster tangible change, Shovik aspires to attend law school after graduation to become an attorney specializing in environmental law.

Shovik looks forward to exploring environmental challenges in the global context at the University of Exeter through the themes of sustainability and civic responsibility. With a passion for environmental justice and conservation, Shovik is dedicated to addressing environmental issues through policy and advocacy.

In addition to his academic pursuits, Shovik is excited to immerse himself in the rich culture and history of the United Kingdom alongside his fellow cohort members. As an avid enthusiast of all things nature, Shovik looks forward to exploring the diverse landscapes and natural wonders of the United Kingdom. Through these experiences, Shovik hopes to forge lasting connections with his peers and cultivate a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between culture, history, and the environment.