Rosy Ellis
Global Wales All Disciplines Award, University of Florida - Education
Rosy is honoured to become a Fulbrighter and to be a part of a programme that values the power of education. Throughout her educational journey Rosy has become acutely aware of how education systems can reproduce and perpetuate social inequalities. Whilst completing her Geography degree at Exeter University, she had the privilege of researching practitioners’ perceptions of inclusive education. She was inspired by the commitment of teachers to valuing each pupil, establishing life-changing relationships and challenging inequalities. This has sparked her passion and life mission of becoming a young, critically conscious, educational leader within Wales. Rosy will study a Master’s at the University of Florida. She will harness what she learns to challenge educational equity issues on a global and local scale, promoting meaningful change. Growing up in Wales (with the best rugby team in the world!), Rosy has developed a strong love for sport. She has used her enthusiasm to create opportunities for women in sport through her role as a Football Development Officer and Coach. Rosy hopes to continue this work in Gainesville, whilst joining as many sports teams as possible. Go Gators!