
Ramana Carthigesan

Lloyd's Postgraduate Award, MIT - Finance

Having grown up in London during the recession of 2008, and more recently having worked as a financial services-focussed strategy consultant, Ramana has seen the outsized effect that the UK’s financial sector has on its people. He is convinced that the key to making this competitive strength for the UK a positive force for the wider population is smarter and more effective regulation that enables a competitive dynamic while still ensuring the public good is served – this will be especially important following Brexit. To this end, Ramana is hugely excited to undertake a Master’s at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the home of much of the foundations of financial engineering and host of a world-renowned research group in Systemic Risk. He is keen to apply his quantitative background from studying Physics at Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge to an area where he can positively affect the lives of everyday people across the UK. Outside of the classroom, Ramana is looking forward to getting involved with US sports culture (both as a player and part of the audience) and exploring the country by train.