Parker Stallings
The Fulbright University of Bristol Summer Institute on Arts, Activism, and Social Justice
Parker Stallings was born in New Jersey and raised in Morgantown, Kentucky. He is currently a Sophomore at Western Kentucky University where he is a part of the Mahurin Honors College. He is pursuing degrees in Professional Legal Studies and English Creative Writing.
When Parker isn’t at one of his numerous student organization meetings or serving as president of his county’s Democratic Party, he can be found in his room playing guitar or writing. Whether that be punk music, his fiction, or the poetry he has had published, Parker is passionate about art as a form of self expression.
He looks forward to seeing how the art he loves intertwines with social justice at the University of Bristol. He is also excited to explore Bristol and is music scene, hoping to photograph some of Bristol’s landmarks with his 35mm camera. Parker’s dream has always been to make the world a better place. He has been diligently working toward a career in public policy so that he can help others, and he is confident the Summer Institute will further this goal.