
Nicola Guess

All Disciplines Scholar Award, Johns Hopkins/Tufts University/Good Food Institute - Clinical Nutrition

Nicola is a registered dietitian and academic. Her research looks at the role of high protein diets in the maintenance of good health. Historically, people have gotten most of their protein from animal protein, which has a detrimental impact on the environment compared to other foods. A key question moving forward is whether we can meet our protein requirements sustainably. During her Fulbright, Nicola will spend time at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Tufts University in Boston, and at the non-profit Good Food Institute. The overall aim of her project is to ensure that the sustainable protein sector can meet the growing needs of consumers into the future. The strength of spending time in multiple institutions is that sustainable food is truly a multi-sector issue and will require collaboration between the agricultural, climate science, food technology, production, food service, and nutrition science communities. On her return to the UK, Nicola intends to continue working with her new collaborators to help guide UK industry, food policy and nutrition science towards a more sustainable future. Nicola is fascinated with US political history and is looking forward to visiting the multiple museums and historical sites around Baltimore, Washington DC and Boston.