Natasha Hessami
AC Member
Natasha Hessami is a 2019/20 Fulbright alumna, having completed her MSc in Social Policy Research with Distinction at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. Her dissertation explored the retraumatizing effects of hostile immigration policy for asylum seekers in Scotland, and made a case for compassionate and community-oriented policy and practice. Her Fulbright year facilitated a discipline shift – from Biochemistry and Mathematics to Policy – allowing her to dive deep into welfare policy and better understand the factors which shape social needs and varying ways in which societies have responded to these. While at Strathclyde Natasha volunteered as her course representative, worked as an equity and diversity research assistant, and explored Glasgow via her bike. Natasha currently lives and works in Glasgow as a Researcher at Dartington Service Design Lab, a UK-based organisation focused on bringing evidence and people together to design and improve children's services. She continues to bring a racial justice and equity-oriented lens to her work.