
Marina Kovaleva

Global Wales Visiting Student Award, Sandia National Laboratories - Engineering

Marina found her passion for renewable energy during her undergraduate projects in Mechanical Engineering at Cardiff University, at a time when Cardiff University, Oxford University and SIEMENS were collaborating to develop a one-of-a-kind, £1.5m UK government-sponsored green ammonia power demonstrator. After graduating, Marina spent a year as a research student in ammonia combustion at Tohoku University, through the Japanese MEXT Programme. Her recent travel experience has helped her establish a new, early-career researcher conference in ammonia energy, with the second edition of the event scheduled to be held at Cardiff in the summer of 2022. As a Fulbrighter, Marina will complete part of her PhD at Sandia National Laboratories, California. For her project, she hopes to bridge together the ammonia energy expertise from the UK with high-performance computing and numerical modelling - a known speciality of Sandia National Laboratories. In her free time, Marina enjoys fitness and running, so, while in the US, she would love to try morning dance parties through Daybreaker, as a fun and alternative way to start the workday.