Lisa Avalos

Fulbright-Queen Mary University of London Scholar Award (Multiple Disciplines)

Lisa Avalos joined the Louisiana State University Law Center faculty in 2018. Her teaching and research interests are in the areas of criminal law and procedure, with an emphasis on sexual offenses and gender-based violence. Professor Avalos’s articles have appeared in the University of Illinois Law Review, Connecticut Law Review, Case Western Reserve Law Review, Brooklyn Law Review, Nevada Law Journal, Michigan Journal of Gender & Law, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Fordham International Law Journal, and others. She earned a J.D. from New York University School of Law and a Ph.D. in sociology from Northwestern University. 

As a Fulbright Scholar at Queen Mary University of London, Professor Avalos will complete research and write a book with the aim of changing laws and policies around the prosecution of sexual assault survivors.