Josh Lastimoso

Fulbright/Newcastle University Award

Josh graduated with a B.S. in Biological Sciences from the University of South Carolina in 2022.   Growing up in Sumter, South Carolina, he found his passion in biomedical research from his mentors.  During his early undergraduate years, he learned about current research topics in data science with Dr. Sher Chhetri from USC Sumter.  Later on, he would eventually join a lab at USC Columbia under Dr. Alissa Armstrong where he studied stem cell and developmental biology.  After graduating, he worked in various clinical departments, from ophthalmology to surgical pathology.  From his experiences working in both research and healthcare, he decided to combine the two and pursue a career in clinical research. 
At Newcastle University, Josh will pursue a Master of Research degree in Cardiovascular Sciences.  There, he will study the heart and the systems surrounding cardiac tissues using biomolecular lab techniques.   
During his free time, Josh likes to lift, write music, and spend time with his friends.  Outside of his studies at Newcastle, he plans to connect with the community by volunteering at local organizations.  After the Fulbright program, he plans to enroll in a physician-scientist program to develop and further specialize his education on heart health.