
Jason Garvey

Fulbright-British Library Eccles Centre Scholar Award- Education

Queer narratives have an important and meaningful place in society, and Garvey aims to uplift these stories in his Fulbright project entitled ‘College Fag: The Autobiography of a Queer Educator.’ As a Fulbright Scholar with the British Library’s Eccles Centre, he will conduct research concerning queer people in education and society broadly combined with his own journey as a queer student and educator. Back home, Garvey is the Friedman-Hipps Green and Gold Professor of Education at the University of Vermont and studies the experiences of queer and trans people in education. He lives in a beautiful and forested area of New England with his partner Dan and their pup Benji.

Garvey will be in London from January-June 2023 and is excited to experience city living. While abroad, he looks forward to joining a rowing club, attending live theatre performances, visiting universities across the UK, and fostering new friendships with queer folks!