James Williams
All Disciplines Postgraduate Award - Design
James is a designer and physician-in-training with broad experience in health innovation and social impact design. He holds a B.A. in Social Design & Strategy from Brown University and will complete his final year of the eight year B.A. / M.D. program after his time in the UK. He is interested in social medicine as well as design and technology interventions that center human wellbeing and promote social equity. James envisions treating illness as it arises while working with communities to create the social and material conditions necessary to sustain health at a population level. As a Fulbrighter, James will pursue a joint degree in design engineering at the Royal College of Art and Imperial College London. He aims to research and design proof-of-concept prototypes and community-based strategies that target the social determinants of health. He is excited to learn from the nationalized health care system and collaborate on projects with some of the organizations in London that utilize design to improve healthcare, communities, and social services. In his free time, James loves to explore new neighbourhoods, museums and art galleries, read and write, pick up new crafts and design skills, and both watch and play football.