
J. Rosie Tighe

University of Sheffield Scholar Award - Urban Planning

J. Rosie Tighe is an associate professor in the department of Urban Studies in the Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University. She was previously an assistant professor in the department of Geography and Planning at Appalachian State University. She holds a PhD in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Texas at Austin and a Master's Degree in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning from Tufts University. She has published research on affordable housing, gentrification, segregation, “shrinking” cities, as well as co-edited The Affordable Housing Reader. Dr. Tighe’s work focuses on issues related to affordable housing, social justice, and equitable development, and attempts to achieve two main goals: to bridge the gap between academic research and practice through sound research methods and data analysis techniques; and to promote a greater emphasis on and understand of racial and class equity among researchers, policy-makers, and planners.