Igor Calzada
Fulbright Scholar-In-Residence (S-I-R) Award, California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB) – Institute for Basque Studies
Dr Igor Calzada MBA is a Principal Research Fellow / Reader at Cardiff University, WISERD (Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research and Data) and SPARK (Social Science Research Park). His research aims to intersect digital, urban, and political transformations, particularly focusing on digital citizenship, digital rights, data co-operatives, and rescaling nation-states. He has been recently nominated among 100 Most Influential Academics in Government by Apolitical and has published two monographs ‘Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes: Postpandemic Technopolitical Democracies’ (Emerald, 2022) and ‘Smart City Citizenship’ (Elsevier, 2021).
Dr Calzada's Fulbright teaching, engagement, and research activities will focus on Digitalisation/Datafication as Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes in Postpandemic Urban Realms. He is really looking forward to actively design the new curriculum of the Institute for Basque Studies, by setting up international networks, meeting key players in California, and resulting in a three-way MoU between Wales, Cardiff University (UK), Basque Country, Basque Government – Presidency, General Secretary of External Affairs (Spain), and CSUB – IBS (USA) through the action research project www.hanhemen.eus on digital citizenship and e-diaspora. He hopes his work can contribute understanding and entrepreneurial networks between Wales, Basque Country, and California, and most importantly, bringing positive change in social, institutional, academic, and diasporic communities overall.