
Greg Hernandez

University of Southampton Postgraduate Award, University of Southampton - Acoustics

Being from a rural town in upstate New York, where livestock outnumbers the population, Greg enjoys hiking the forest in his backyard, and singing and dancing to electronic dance music. A skilled trombone player, an electronic musician and an engineer at heart, Greg has an affinity for music technology, which motivated him to build his first transducer at 18 years old. Four years later, after two additional loudspeaker inventions, a degree in Audio and Music Engineering from the University of Rochester, research experience with distributed mode loudspeakers, and an internship at Apple, Greg will study at the University of Southampton, where he will earn his master’s degree in Acoustical Engineering from the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research. At Southampton, Greg will explore the active control of acoustic properties in enclosed environments, researching methods to mitigate induced noise from external sources. Afterwards, Greg will continue this research and his education at Duke University as a doctoral candidate in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department researching acoustic metamaterials supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.