Gemma Morgan
Fulbright All Disciplines Scholar Award - George Mason University
Gemma is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Swansea University. She was the winner of Swansea University’s Research & Innovation Rising Star Award, 2022 and a finalist of the Criminal Justice Alliance ‘Outstanding Individual’ award, 2022 and Digital Leaders 100 – ‘Young Digital Leader of the Year’, 2021. Gemma’s research interests are: desistance/rehabilitation, digital technology in desistance-orientated work, youth justice, evaluation methodology, and co-production. Her underpinning research ethos is collaborative, emphasising the importance of interdisciplinary and impactful work. She works closely with several public, private, and third-sector organisations to advance knowledge transfer between academia and practice.
Her most recent work focuses on developing digital technologies for people and organisations in the criminal justice system to support desistance and other positive outcomes. She is the lead inventor of the innovative ‘My Journey’ app which aims reduce re-offending and improve the social of inclusion of people who have offended. During her Fulbright Scholarship at the Centre for Advancing Correctional Excellence - George Mason University, Gemma will be examining how My Journey can be adapted for the US context and will explore the development of other digital technologies. Gemma is excited to immerse herself within different cultures and is looking forward to watching the Washington Wizards!