
Geghie Davis

Northumbria University Postgraduate Award, Northumbria University - Design

Geghie, of Maynardville, Tennessee, graduated the University of Tennessee (UTK) in May 2020 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design and a minor in Entrepreneurship. Geghie pursued various opportunities and achieved many honours and awards at UTK. She became a Gold Award winner at the undergraduate research and creative achievement exhibition, EURēCA, for her animated design work on the dangers of music students developing tinnitus. She also interned as a motion designer for Discovery Inc. in Summer 2019 and again the following year in the Spring as a web/interaction designer. While at Northumbria University in the UK, Geghie will pursue her Design MA studying the use of communication design to move the masses in support of common causes and goals. Geghie will focus on how the UK successfully accomplished this task with their 2020 campaign to provide 100% of their citizens with modern Internet access. She hopes the UK’s efforts could be duplicated in the US for rural America. In her free time, Geghie wants to get involved in student gaming societies and channel her inner southern cooking for her new friends!