Gabrielle Bozarth

Cardiff University Postgraduate Award, University of Cardiff - Political Science

I graduated from Dartmouth College in 2017 with a B.A. in Government and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies - modified with African and African-American Studies. My undergraduate research regarding state police reporting procedures sparked my passion for institution evaluation and mixed-methodologies. I was curious about how members of institutions built for safety, articulate their experiences with citizens they view as threats. I spent nearly two years on the project, culminating in a thesis that garnered the highest departmental honours. Post-graduation I accepted a legal assistant position at White & Case LLP, advocating for fair conditions for prisoners in solitary confinement. Working directly with people who’ve been affected by the prison industrial complex in the U.S. is part of what inspired me to learn more about the same structures in the U.K. Through Fulbright, I will obtain an MSc in Social Science Research Methods. My thesis will be directed at how the current penal landscape in the U.K. affects Welsh women. I look forward to getting to know women and families affected by incarceration through local non-profits and learning more about how the carceral state is affecting social welfare and immigration in Wales. Following my Fulbright, I will be pursuing a joint JD-PhD in Political Science at the University of Chicago.