Emily Woodruff

Fulbright/Queen's University Belfast Award in Global Security and Borders

Emily Woodruff of St. Peters, Missouri, graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with a B.A. in Global Studies. As an undergraduate student she served as a research assistant on projects examining historic Irish nationalist women’s religious beliefs and national disbarment patterns in the U.S. Emily developed a passion for studying nationalism and migration after spending a semester in the Basque Country in Spain where she conducted a research project analyzing the Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ-PNV) and the Scottish National Party’s (SNP) social policies towards asylum seekers and refugees. She continued this research in her senior honors thesis by using migration to compare the nationalisms espoused by the EAJ-PNV and the SNP. In college Emily also interned at the ACLU of Missouri, the Department of Commerce, and the Department of Labor and was involved with Sigma Iota Rho, WashU Votes, and the Washington University Political Review.   
Emily will attend the Global Security and Borders M.A. program at Queens University Belfast. In this program she intends to analyze how migration impacts ethno-sectarian divided communities in Northern Ireland. After completing her degree Emily plans to join the federal government and work to find solutions to address the worldwide migration crisis.