Ellen Kossek
Global Scholar Award, Cranfield University - Management
Ellen Ernst Kossek (Ph.D. Yale University) is the Basil S. Turner and Distinguished Professor of Management at Purdue University. The first elected President of the Work-Family Researchers Network, Ellen studies how work-life boundaries, flexible working, employment practices and leadership impact women’s career equality. Kossek has won many awards including: Work-Life Legacy award for building the work-life movement; Ellen Galinsky Generative Researcher Award for contributing break-through thinking to the work-family field; Sage Scholarly achievement award for advancing understanding of gender and diversity in organizations; and Rosabeth Moss Kanter awards (multiple years) for work-family research excellence. Cited in a Stanford study as being in the top 2% business and management scholars, she recently led in writing a report for the U.S. National Academies of Sciences on the effects of COVID-19 on the work-life boundaries and domestic labour of Women in Academic Science STEMM.