Derick Wilson
Fulbright Scholar in Residence, St. Philip’s College - Restorative Practices
Currently I am Reader Emeritus in Education with Restorative Practices (Ulster), having been involved in practical reconciliation work in Northern Ireland since 1965 with: the Corrymeela reconciliation community; as a detached youth-worker; a parent establishing an integrated school and an engaged academic. This scholarship strengthens relationships between St Philip’s, a unique Historically Black and Hispanic Serving College, and Corrymeela. St Philip’s College wishes to challenge their students more, through offering international experiences while supporting them be at ease in study, work and service within diverse local communities. From my post-doctoral research and experience as an Equality Commissioner, I believe that reconciliation in contested and secure societies is best promoted when the inter-connected principles of equity, diversity and interdependence underpin learning relationships, organisational cultures and public policy. St Philip’s and its local partners wish to draw on my restorative practice in community relations, mediation, conflict studies, political dialogue, educational and criminal justice practices. Restorative practices and restorative learning cultures can potentially embed hope, and lasting change, in our personal lives and in the cultures of civic institutions.