
Conan Cooper

British Friends of Harvard Business School MBA Award, Harvard Business School - Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurial Studies

Since graduating from Newcastle University with a degree in Chemical Engineering in 2014, Conan has worked for Total S.A. across Europe and Africa, seeking out pockets of creativity to deliver unconventional solutions to conventional problems in the high-stakes, high-stress environment of Offshore Oil and Gas. Conan believes the future of energy is renewable and is excited for that future. However, the hard truth is that Oil and Gas is going to be here for a while; we cannot turn the “taps” off tomorrow without negatively impacting the lives of millions. What is needed is innovation in the industry, to keep pushing it to be better while our energy needs transition.

At Harvard Business School, he will be working to help facilitate this transition to a cleaner, more sustainable future. Conan is fluent in French, depending on who is listening. He is a tenacious health and fitness disciple who cannot resist pizza (despite having a milk allergy). He is terrified of flying but addicted to travelling. He is excited to put on his hiking boots and explore America’s trails!