
Colin Chu

Fight for Sight Research Award, National Institutes of Health - Opthamology

I am an ophthalmologist and honorary senior research fellow at the University of Bristol. It is increasingly clear that the immune system plays a critical role in almost every aspect of health and disease from ageing to heart disease and cancer. Similarly, my research has focussed on studying immune responses that can lead to blindness. This Fulbright scholarship has given me the opportunity to work with Dr Ron Germain - a world-leading immunologist – to apply his pioneering techniques to the eye for the first time. By using Histocytometry, immune cells within the intact 3D architecture of the eye can be classified to an unprecedented degree in different experimental models of disease. By increasing our fundamental understanding of immune processes, we can improve the diagnosis, monitoring and development of new treatments for patients suffering with vision loss. As part of Fulbright I hope to be a strong advocate for vision research. I’m also looking forward to living near Washington DC and learning about American culture, visiting the historical monuments and getting lost in the many Smithsonian museums!