
Chien-fei Chen

Fulbright Global Scholar Award, Cardiff University - Environmental Sociology

I am a research associate professor and director of education and diversity program at an engineering research center called, Center for Ultra-wide-area Resilient Electrical Energy Transmission Networks, the University of Tennesse, Knoxville.  I have somewhat unusual experience as I am an environmental sociologist working an engineering research center. This requires a broad interdisciplinary perspective. My research centers on bridging the gap between social science, technology, and engineering. My Fulbright project involves cross-cultural research focusing on energy justice and renewable energy adoption among low-income households in the U.K. and China through the investigation of social, behavioral, environmental, and technical impacts.

Going to the U.K. will allow me to extend my current collaborations by compairing the different energy behavioral practices, social norms and policy between Eastern and Western cultures. Understanding local residents’ attitudes in and around Cardiff will help me better understand the norms and culture. In my free time, I love to play piano, cello and cook, and so hope to enjoy all kind of music and good food in the UK.