
C. Ariel Pinto

Fulbright Cyber Security Scholar Award, Swansea University - Cyber Security

C. Ariel Pinto is a mentor, educator and researcher in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at Old Dominion University, in the city of Norfolk, Virginia. When he was an engineer in the Philippines more than 25 years ago, he was obsessed with wanting to know how and why things work. That obsession has taken him all over the world, including Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas. More recently, he has been asking how and why things do not work, recognising that many answers to this question lay beyond the field of engineering. His Fulbright project will be the systemic analysis of emerging risks for smaller technology companies in the UK that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in regulating terrorist content on social media platforms. As a Fulbrighter he will live, work, and play among the many wonders of nature in Wales and the rest of the UK. He is excited to eventually soak in the sounds, savour the taste and imbibe the spirits on both sides of the Atlantic.