Anthony Harris

Fulbright All Disciplines Scholar Award - Harvard University

Anthony co-founded a successful U.K. software business, sold it in 2007, and returned to university to pursue a second career in academia. He completed a foundation certificate in humanities at CONTED (Oxford), an MA (Oxon) in English, MA (Res) in Medieval Studies, and PhD (Cantab) in early mathematics, astronomy, and philology. 

He teaches Academic Writing and Digital Researching, and supervises for e-commerce, e-business, and optimising compilers at Clare Hall (Cambridge) where he is a research fellow, and teaches and tutors for Shakespeare and Chaucer at Oxford. His research interests lie at the intersection of science, humanities, and the digital humanities. He is excited to be researching early manuscripts of science at the Houghton Library (Harvard University) in early 2025 where he also hopes to do some guest teaching and lecturing, and plans to volunteer in the local rowing community. 

Anthony has discovered that being a mature student is not easy but being a mature academic in the humanities is much harder because the area is so competitive. As a ‘Fulbrighter’ he hopes to act as a role model for other mature students and mature academics to demonstrate that it is never too late to succeed in life as long as you are persistent and go where your interests take you.