Amy Campbell

Fulbright All Disciplines Postgraduate Award, Masters in Climate and Society - Columbia University

Amy is in the UK negotiations team to the UNFCCC COP, working in climate diplomacy, following a climate policy track in the UK's Civil Service Fast Stream stream for high potential graduates in government policy. Whilst on the Fast Stream, Amy led a climate and environment network that set up a climate and environment career anchor which is being rolled out across UK government.

The Fulbright in climate policy will give Amy skills and knowledge across adaptation and mitigation policy; she hopes to specialise in climate disaster preparedness at Columbia University. She applied to Fulbright to embed climate disaster preparedness in government policy and multilateralism. Amy hopes to work closely with Columbia's National Centre for Disaster Preparedness on climate vulnerable country disaster response. More recently, inspired by Laurie Laybourn, Amy was selected for the programme 'Cohort 2040' and has become interested in policy approaches to the polycrisis and derailment risk. Amy sees the climate crisis as a nexus - the most pressing threat implicating development, conflict, health, politics and migration.

Outside of climate policy, Amy is passionate about equal opportunity - having gotten onto the Fast Stream with the help of UpReach. She launched a mentoring scheme for public servants from disadvantaged backgrounds with a friend, and is a mentor for the Access: Climate and Environment project. During her undergraduate degree, she was funded to conduct research in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel and published a paper with Columbia University. Having grown up in Cornwall, she loves connecting with nature through surfing and long distance running.