Alexandria Groves
Fulbright University of St Andrews Summer Institute on Scotland's History: Kingdom, Nation, People
Alexandria Groves is from the University of Louisville where she is in the prestigious Brown Fellows Program. She is a double major in history and political science with minors in Philosophy and Classical Studies. At her home university she is involved in the President’s Council Mentoring Program, Honors Book Club Council, is the Honors Student Council Historian Chair, and serves as publicist for Phi Alpha Theta.
Alexandria is passionate about finding a solution to the child abuse crisis facing Kentucky. She recently served as an intern at her state capitol where she gained the opportunity to work with three state representatives during this upcoming legislative session on her own bill.
She enjoys reading, baking, and all things fashion. She is currently conducting research on how clothing throughout history has been used to convey power. She even recreates these garments, which is a skill she plans to use as a Smithsonian Leadership for Change Intern. Through this opportunity at St. Andrews University, Alexandria hopes to learn more about the material culture of Scotland while gaining a better understanding of her ancestry.