Abi Dumm

Scotland Summer Institute on Technology, Innovation and Creativity: University of Strathclyde and the Glasgow School of Art

Abi Dumm is a second year student at The Ohio State University. She is a part of the Eminence Fellowship, a full ride scholarship. She is majoring in health sciences on the pre-occupational therapy track and is pursuing 3 minors in disability studies, American Sign Language, and assistive technology.

Abi is very passionate about working with the disabled community. Through observing her younger brother who had a disability, she saw the effects that assistive technology could have on people’s lives. As a result she co-founded an organization called The Main Menu Project, which partners with local restaurants to create accessible menus using screen reading technology. She also works with a nonprofit called GoBabyGo to adapt toy cars into powered mobility vehicles for young children.

Abi is excited to see the intersection of technology and creativity through this institute, especially within the realm of universal design. She wants to bring back the skills gained from this experience to make her own community more accessible. On top of these academic pursuits, Abi is excited to meet and talk with both her fellow cohort members, as well as individuals at the universities. She loves tea parties, watercolor painting, and trying new foods.